We offer several forms of worship throughout the year: Communion is served every other month and open to all those who know Jesus Christ personally as their Savior. Harvest Festival is our annual service in which a special speaker or singing group is invited to share, and a special offering is collected towards a large project that the church members have decided upon. The church membership holds quarterly business meetings and conducts all the business of the church; at the annual meeting in May, written & financial reports are given by every department in the church. Several features of worship are included throughout the year as well: Spotlight on Ministry (highlights a ministry in our church, explains it, and encourages participation), Missions Moment (either a missionary or a member of the missions committee sharing), Testimony Sunday (a church member shares a testimony of prayer or praise), Hymn-Sing Sunday (using the hymnals to select numbers to sing), News Around the World (informing the congregation of happenings across the globe to pray over), Patriotic Sundays (Veteran's Day, 4th of July, Flag Day, etc.), October's Pastor Appreciation Sunday, and all other special holidays throughout the year are celebrated (Easter, Christmas, Valentine's Day, etc.).